Tag: Exhibition

Exhibiting performance and research

Agile Chambers was a week-long program (7-10 December, 2016) included Microlabs (interdisciplinary workshops), open labs, performances, presentations and roundtable discussions aimed at exploring digital iterations of Chamber Made performances created during the period of 2013-2016. The concept and program were developed in Microlab Three. The event was designed to expand the existing network of Agile Opera Project participants to include invited guests and members of the public.

Agile Chambers involved the construction of two curated participatory research and development spaces: a ‘live’ space for the exploration of four spatially configured performance works, and a ‘digital platform/gallery’ space for experiencing project artefacts including: digital media assets, for performance footage, Agile Chambers ebook, podcasts, and video interviews with the key stakeholders and artists of the projects.

Agile Chambers built on the principles guiding the Microlabs: participants as knowledge agents, speculation, reflection, and process. The event represented an intersection between the exhibition of experimental performance, and research-creation. This series of activities contributed to the creation of four Chamber Made Digiworks: Another Other, Turbulence, Permission to Speak and Captives of the City.

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Photo credit: Pier Carthew

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